December 17, 2024 was marked by the celebration of a trajectory of hard work and social commitment, when the legislative house of the municipality of Capinzal, Fast's headquarters, granted in an Ordinary Session, the Title of Honorary Citizen of Capinzalense to the President and founder of Fast, Marius Juliano Farina.
The project – Legislative Decree No. 89, of November 19, 2024 – was approved unanimously. In the words of the councilor who authored the project, Rafael Tonial:
“The title of honorary citizen is recognized to people whose actions and contributions play a significant role in the development of our city, whether through work, generosity or the way they dedicate themselves to the well-being of all. (…) His career has been marked by the courage to face challenges and the ability to transform opportunities into reality. Over the years, Marius Juliano Farina has not only contributed to the economic development of our city, but has also invested in actions that directly impact the lives of each person. In addition to his success in business, Mr. Farina has always known that true impact goes beyond profit. He has been a great ally of social causes, (…) Not only Mr. Farina, but also his wife, Edi Longo, and his son Stefano Farina, who share this journey. We are proud to grant him the title of honorary citizen in recognition of the unity of this exemplary family (…) His company, Fast, is an example of innovation and perseverance (…) May his legacy continue to inspire generations.”
The ceremony was attended by family, friends and Fast's management team, as well as local authorities. Alongside his wife, Edi Maria Longo, his mother, Dona Zelia, his son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter and son: Stefano Farina, who grew up on the company's premises and today follows in his footsteps as Director of Fast, and his first employee, Rudimar Huk, Marius built a company of excellence, which has been recognized with numerous awards, tributes, important certifications and recognition by customers, the market and the community.
Born in Capinzal, Marius Juliano Farina is a name that symbolizes innovation for the national market. He founded Fast in 1995, with technical assistance services and production of parts for meatpacking plants. The company has gone through several disruptive periods, first bringing cutting-edge technology to Brazil and today, it is proud to create new products and new technologies, some even exclusive, and export to the 5 continents. Fast has grown in an organized manner, always respecting all audiences and has consolidated itself in several markets, such as: solutions for water treatment plants and industrial effluents, basic sanitation, olive oil extraction (the first Brazilian industry to develop a complete extraction system, with clients winning numerous awards worldwide for the quality of their oils), dynamic clarification of palm oil (of which it is the leader in Latin America), mining equipment, and equipment for the animal recycling industry (with the Fast Rendering Division launched this year), becoming a world reference. Fast is today an example of success in Brazil and around the world, with branches in Belém do Pará, Curitiba in Paraná, representation in Colombia and Ecuador and, since 2021, a Fast Europe Unit, based in Portugal.
Innovation is in Fast's DNA. A summary of its achievements throughout history proves this. In 2006, after a period of many investments in infrastructure and Research & Development, in addition to ISO 9001 certification, it received recognition from the Legislative Assembly of the state of Santa Catarina: with the Exporter Highlight award and the Carl Medal of Merit Franz Albert Hoepcke, tribute granted to Santa Catarina businesspeople who have stood out in the economic, social, educational, environmental and business sectors, contributing to the development of the state.
He and his Fast team faced the 2008 crisis with innovation and courage, diversifying the company's operations, always with solutions for environmental issues that challenge industries. Something that allowed Fast not only to survive, but to thrive in uncertain times. In 2015, he started a bold joint venture with the Uruguayan company Seinco, bringing to Brazil the most modern, sustainable and compact water, sewage and effluent treatment systems in the world. In 2017, when the economic scenario was still unstable, Fast was honored at a ceremony organized by Destaque Brasil magazine, in recognition of companies that managed to reinvent themselves and obtain satisfactory results, even in times of crisis.
Economic Highlight of the Municipality of Capinzal: In 2019, Fast's tax contribution to the municipality of Capinzal led the company to be awarded 1st place in the general highlight of industrial companies. In 2023, it once again ranked first, this time with the contribution of ISS. Also in 2023, during a ceremony by BRDE – Banco Regional de Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul, Fast was honored as the company that invested the most in innovation in Santa Catarina in 2023.
In addition to his business activities, Marius and the Farina Family have stood out for their involvement in social causes, a commitment passed down from father to son, since the late former Mayor Celso Farina was a key player in the development of Capinzal. A sports enthusiast, he participated in the creation of the Capinzalense Shooting Club and led the restoration of the Ateneu Clube, an architectural and cultural heritage of Capinzal, reopened in 2024. He values associations, as a member and now a supporter, through Fast, of the Business Association of the Baixo Vale do Rio do Peixe, ACIRP, always promoting initiatives that benefit the community. Through the Fast Solidária Program, the company encourages employee volunteering, always active mainly in educational actions, with close relationships with local schools, social institutions and NGOs. Through the program, the company also sponsors numerous campaigns aimed at children in the municipality, such as the Crescer Institute, which promotes inclusion through music. It contributes to projects such as Novos Caminhos, which aims to guide vulnerable children and young people into the job market, a project for which it received the title of Citizen Company. It supports the Fórum Comitê Peixe, which seeks to universalize sanitation in the region where the company operates, in addition to numerous other initiatives that promote innovation and help improve the population's self-esteem and quality of life in the community.
Thus, Marius Juliano Farina's legacy goes beyond his business achievements; it is based on humility, love for his family and the appreciation of his roots, giving back to his community in the form of opportunities for everything he has achieved. Through concrete actions and a vision for the future, he and his family continue to transform lives, inspiring the next generation to believe in the power of unity, innovation and commitment to people and the construction of a better future.