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Keeping up with the growth of the olive oil market in Brazil and worldwide, Fast develops complete plants for small and large producers, using cutting-edge technologies to improve the process, reduce costs and achieve high-quality results. The company offers solutions geared towards the most diverse profiles and needs, always with reliability, innovation and sustainability. The production capacity with Fast equipment starts at 100 k/h, with the Monobloco Fast 100 extractor, up to plants that exceed 3 tons/hour of production.
• Fast's olive oil extraction system is developed according to the reality of each client, being applicable to all stages of the process: reception, washing, grinding, kneading, extraction and polishing;
• Highly efficient centrifugal decanter, with no oil in the canister (solid residue), proven through laboratory centrifuge testing;
• Two FINAME modalities for Brazil, including agricultural, for all olive oil extraction equipment;
• 2-year warranty against manufacturing defects or faults;
• Qualified personnel, including mechanical, agronomist, chemical, electrical, environmental and food engineers;
• Mobile plants on skids;
• Technical support for the civil engineer to develop the plan (civil works) within the standards established by regulatory bodies;
• Sanitary equipment, i.e., made of polished stainless steel sheet, making it easy to maintain;
• Projects meticulously developed according to the needs of each client, adapting to their specific processes.
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