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  • Construction of a Sewage Treatment Plant in Lauro Müller

Construction of a Sewage Treatment Plant in Lauro Müller

With accelerated works, the Sewage Treatment Plant (ETE) which is being built in Lauro Müller (SC) will be responsible for the collection and treatment of 72% of the city's sewage, covering the neighborhoods of Centro, Sumaré, Içarense, Santa Bárbara, KM1, Arizona and Bela Vista.

According to engineer Wanderley Gomes, from the company MPB Saneamento, hired by the Santa Catarina Water and Sanitation Company (CASAN) to manage the work, he says that “the Sewage Treatment Plant is in the foundation part, with completion expected within five to six months. Already we did the earthmoving, excavation and now we are making a subgrade, which is a cement soil that will be the base of the station”.

The structural services are being carried out by Construtora Fernandes, and the installation work by Fast. As it does not use lagoons, there is no the risk of soil contamination and the dependence on weather conditions. In addition, there is efficient control of possible odors.

The construction and urbanization area will be of 2,500 square meters. The resource for the sanitation system installation work is from Caixa (85%) and CASAN (15%).

According to engineer Gomes, the works on the sewage network are already underway. 99% are completed. The team is carrying out the last stage, which includes the “interconnection of the different steps that were carried out, review, regularizations, corrections of errors that occurred during execution”.

Source: Casan 

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