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How a water treatment plant works

To make water from rivers or underground wells drinkable, that is, suitable for consumption in accordance with current Brazilian regulations, it is essential to install a water treatment plant, also known as a WTP.

Fast's ETAs (Water Treatment Plants) are compact, easy to operate and have low chemical consumption.

The treatment of raw water, whether surface or underground, occurs through the following processes: coagulation, flocculation, clarification, filtration and disinfection.

Coagulation and flocculation occur through the addition of specific chemical products, which can be inorganic salts (aluminum sulfate, for example) or organic salts.

The clarification process, where most of the contaminants are separated from the clean water, can be carried out by two separation methods: flotation and decantation.

Both decantation and flotation are very compact and highly efficient processes in removing suspended solids and precipitates (colloids/particles) and present a high reduction in other parameters (color, odor, flavor, among others).

After clarification, the treated water is sent to the filtration process, for polishing, and for disinfection, ensuring the water's potability standards.


With over 20 years of experience in the national and international markets, Fast offers unique features that have pleased its customers and made the service a success story for many clients. In addition, the WTPs provided by Fast can be fully automated. The equipment's PLC manages the following system parameters:


  • Feeding pump;
  • Chemical tank level;
  • Automatic chemical addition process;
  • pH monitoring system;
  • Diagnostics that detects possible PLC failures
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